Course Solutions

We offer three modules:

Spoken Thai – Basic to Intermediate Level
  • In this module students are taught the basics of speaking Thai fluently so as to deal with any situation that may arise during their stay in Thailand.
  • Students are familiarised with extensive vocabulary and taught how to construct gramatically correct sentences for everyday use.
  • Students practice speaking the language to attain fluency.
  • An average student will need to attend approximately 200 hours of classes so as to attain confidence in interacting with people in different situations.

Reading and writing the Thai language – Intermediate Level
  • This module is meant for persons who can speak Thai already.
  • Starting with alphabets and numerals, this module equips students with the confidence to constructs words and later full sentences.
  • Students learn to read signboards and posters as also simple books and magazines.
  • Students are taught more vocabulary and given the opportunity to read and write short stories also.
  • This module gives foreigners the confidence to read road signs and posters, and go through Official Reports and documents as Thai is the official language in Thailand and most documents are in Thai.
  • An average student will need to attend approximately 150 hours of classes so as to attain confidence in interacting with people in different situations.

Higher profiency in the Thai language – Advanced Level
  • This module is meant for foreigners who wish to have a deep knowledge of the Thai language.
  • Students are trained to speak, listen, read and write colloquial  Thai as well as any native Thai citizen.
  • At the end of this module a student will confidently listen, read and and understand News Bulletins on TV or any other media. They will be capable of reading newspapers, magazines, and any other print media that interests the individual.
  • This module will take around 150 – 200 hours for a foreign student to fully reach acceptable levels.